Friday, March 5, 2010

Strattice for Revision Aesthetic Breast Augmentation

We are starting to see many patients come from out of state to have their revision augmentation procedures or capsulectomy surgeries performed at the Roxbury Clinic & Surgery Center. I have been using the Strattice in the manner as taught to me by Neal Handel, M.D. When working through small incisions, I have found the use of appropriately and carefully placed marionette sutures to align the Strattice in correct position while the remaining sutures are performed through the limited incision.

I have found Strattice to be very helpful in the revision breast augmentation patient who has rippling, implant palpability, synmastia, bottoming out, and fold asymmetry. I have also found Strattice to be helpful as a barrier between the nipple areola complex incision and the capsule of the breast implant.

I remember repeatedly, the lessons on tendon healing by one of my great mentors, Malcolm Lesavoy, M.D. He would always describe the "one wound/one scar" theory for tendon healing. I find that the same theory can apply to breast implant capsules.

Frequently, I see patients who present for capsular contracture surgery who have a thickened scar beneath their periareolar incision with a "scar rind" that is aggressively fixed to their underlying capsule. It is my belief that the interposed Strattice may prevent the "scar rind" that I frequently see beneath the periareolar incision that is firmly fixed to the capsule. I hope this has great implications for reducing capsular contracture.

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